This article will explain how to assist remote IT staff members to be able to remotely image Staff and Student PCs.
- Please turn on or restart the machine you wish to be imaged
- When the machine is starting up you will see the following screen:
3. When this you see the following option underlined in red below, you need to press F12 on your keyboard:
4. You will now see a black screen that says 'Loading files...'. Please wait until this finishes loading.
5. Once this finishes loading you will see a screen like this:
6. You will be able to see a minimised windows in the bottom of the screen. Can you please expand this windows by pressing the maximise button or by pressing ALT + TAB.
7. Finally can you send IT the following details displayed in this window:
- Ticket Number
- IP Address
- Port
IT will now be able to remotely connect to this machine and begin imaging this PC remotely.