Proof of Concept
This is a new proof of concept service currently being tested by a limited number of students. Please note:
- The stability and responsiveness of this service will be largely dependant on your home internet connection.
- You will be connected to a remote computer, devices directly plugged into to your home PC (e.g. USB headset and other USB devices) won't be available to this remote computer.
On your home PC
- Download Parsec installer from Download Parsec | Parsec
- Launch the installer and follow the prompts. For installation type select "Per User":
- Once installed, launch the application (you may also need to reboot)
- To login select "Teams user with SAML SSO? Login in here"
- Enter the "Team ID": 2ftDBL8NJ7iqPdixzjZ0O9GVWAa
- Follow the prompts to continue logging in, you will also need to check your email and "Confirm your Parsec account"
- You will now be able to select and "Connect" to a AIE Student Workstation
- When connected to PCs, there is a red "Parsec" button that allows you to change settings, and Disconnect from the remote PC