To get access to Marmoset as an Online Staff you can use a password reset to allow you to gain access.For Staff who work Remotely
Please follow the below steps and when prompted contact IT
- Navigate to the Canvas Software Download Page.
- Download the Marmoset Toolbag.
- Run the file to Install, and follow the prompts.
- Reset Password using your AIE email You will receive an email, follow the prompts.
- Navigate to Marmoset's Account Page
- Create an Account using your "" email.
- Vertify the email that comes through
- Vertify the email that comes through
- Reset password
(This is Unfortunatly has to be done due to how Marmoset handles their end and doesnt allow you to set a password initally)- Follow the prompts
- Follow the prompts
- Create an Account using your "" email.
- Now that your account exists:
- Contact IT at this point via or 1300 323 182
- Follow the email prompts they advise of
- IT will then setup and assign a License
- Done
You will now be able to access Marmoset with your Educational License.