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TopicNotesScreenshot 1Screenshot 2

What is the Enrolments automation

Students at AIE exist in multiple systems:

  1. Axcelerate
  2. Canvas
  3. Active Directory

The data in each of these systems need to be keept in sync. Data conflicts can occur as a result of editing user records from any of these systems. The enrolments automation helps keep this data in sync.

Who will use this tool

  • IT Support staff
    Will use this tool to help diagnose and resolve data conflicts that require an update to canvas or active directory.

  • Admin staff
    When everything is runing smootly - you do not need to use this tool, your standard processes for updating and maintaining student records in axcelerate remains the same.
    However, you can choose to use this tool to:
    1. Reset a users password
    2. Send or Re-Send login details
    3. Diagnose an issue that requires a change in axcelerate.

How the enrolment tool works:

  1. Enrolments system is notified of changes to an axcelerate contactaXcelerate contact when:
    1. A new contact is created
    2. Clicking "Update Contact" from the contact page
    3. When the enrolment status changes for a workshop or qualification.
  2. Enrolments system pulls data from Axcelerate, Active Directory, Canvas and own internal storage

  3. Information is compared, and a list of suggested changes are generated.
    1. In most cases - no changes are requiredis required

    2. Changes to Active Directory and Canvas will be applied automatically if there are no conflicts. aXcelerate is considered the "source of truth" with the other systems being updated to reflect the information.
    3. If we've identified conflicting data (Ie student id's not matching), no email etc... the user is added to approvals list
    Enrolments system will execute all suggested changes across axcelerate, Active Directory and Canvas.
    1. If there is an error - the user is added to "Approvals List" to be investigatesfor an admin or IT staff member to resolve.

Approval List:

  1. This is a list of users where a Human human needs to verify and correct data in the external tools....
  2. If a sugested suggested change failed due to a bug, the users will be added to the approval list.

Things to note

This is an internal tool therefore:

  • Changes will be rolled out frequently
    • Changes to the UI may be different when you login to the project day to day.
  • Bugs will happen
    • We're working with data in Accelerate, Canvas, Active Directory, and our own internal data storage.
      Some of this data can be edited and is not perfect, therefore as problems arise, we may need to debug and roll out change to supportchanges to cope with different scenarios, or to reflect changes to business procedures.

Login Screen

  • Authentication: Users with the following canvas roles can now login and access the system
    • AccountAdmin
    • IT Support
    • Administration
    • Head of School
    • Head of Faculty

Creating a contact

Refer to the Administration Handbook for creating contacts in axcelerate.

What happens:

  1. An active directory login will be created for the contact
    1. the Username and Default password fields in aXcelerate will be updated to reflect

  2. A Canvas account will be created with 2 logins
    1. Using the students personal email entered in axcelerate
      (required for canvas to sync grades with accelerate)

    2. Using the students login
      This allows the student to login to canvas using their student ID.

Common Issues:

  1. The email address is not unique - this can occur when students use a shared email - eg their parents email address. In this scenario, the new contact will be added to the approval list to be updated. The active directory and canvas accounts will not be created.

  2. Duplicate Contacts
    If a new student is added to axcelerate for a second time using the same email, the enrolment tool will not create an active directory or canvas user. This duplicate contact will be added to the approval list. The contact will be reviewed, and likely will be merged with the original 

Other Issues:

  1. Sometimes (rarelly) the enrolment tool will update a contact whilst it's still open in a users browser. If the contact is saved via the browser some details may be overriden, and will result in the user being added to the approval list. The missing data is:
    1. Custom field - Username: 
    2. Custom field - Default password

Screenshot of a contact that has been created successfully

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Example of a duplicate:
Screenshot 1 - first contact created successfully
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Screenshot 2 - second contact added to approval list

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Updating the contacts email address

When the contact's email is updated in axcelerate

What happens:

  1. Email details in canvas will be updated to match

Common Issues:

  1. Axcelerate does not enforce uniqueness on email address. If the newly entered email conflicts with an existing user, than the modified user will be added to the approval list.

    1. The email will need to either be changed back to the original, or updated to a new unique email.

Screenshot 1:
Contact email (before change)
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Screenshot 2:
Contacts email changed in axcelerate to:
The change was detected automaticly and applied

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Updating contact name

When the contacts First, Middle, Last or Preferred Name is updated

What Happens:

The "Prefered name" replaces the "First name" in canvas and active directory.

  1. The associated active directory name fields will be updated
  2. The associated canvas user's name will be updated.

Screenshot 1
Shows the preferred name being added in axcelerate

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Screenshot 2:
Shows the name has been updated in the approprate systems

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Screenshot 3
Shows the activity logs as a result of the name change

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Enrolling contact in a course

Setting contact "Active Status"

Resetting a contacts password

Sending login details email

Teams Notifications
(Work in progress)

Notifications of activity can be sent to teams channels.

  • I'm watching All activity, and Approvals...
  • Admin are watching approvals, if there's an approval needed - admin will see it.
